in my mind, images of us walking together in the rain, side by side, gives me much comfort.

Little do we have the chance to walk back home in the rain, chatting away abt anything under the sun.

The bus finally came, it was pretty late alrdy, i start to worry if i'll miss u, hav u made ur way home alrdy. but i let God, our Heavenly Dad, decide if we should meet today.
i alighted, i look across the street, wondering if u have left for home.
it was still raining, i walked to the school hoping i'll meet u.

In the sch, there's so many ppl. clueless of where to start, i left to God our Father to decide how we should meet.
Finally, we met.
I hand to u wat belongs to u. i wanted to walk u home, but sadly, u have other things u wanna do.
i said ok.
as i leave the sch gate, i felt so alone.

Why? i asked myself. I kept telling myself that u have a life of ur own, that u need ur own space. I must have expecting too much. but still it was a moment alone in the rain all by myself, nobody but myself.
Dun worry, i'm fine, u did nothing wrong. it was my fault to be expecting so much from u. haha, silly old me.
just need a bit of time to ajust my feeling and think properly.
Will hav plenty of chances to walk together in the rain.

I'm alright, my little brother, i'm alright. =)

A relationship built on God the Father and Jesus our Brother as our foundation, we will support and encourage each other.